
Created by Linda 2 years ago
Celia was a child through the second World War and she used to tell me that when she and Mum slept in the corrugated air raid shelter that used to be underground at the bottom of the garden, there were a lot of big spiders in there.  She has also talked of the very happy, carefree times she and cousin Colin had when they were evacuated to Dorset, when they did not go to school.
I think of us growing up in our home and I can remember small things, like when she used to show me ants’ nests with lots of eggs that could be found underneath clumps of thrift in the garden.
As children we kept rabbits and two pet white mice.  The mice used to fight so Celia named them after two famous boxers of the1950’s, so the mice were called Lee Savold and Bruce Woodcock.
When she was older Celia had a pet rabbit called Blacky.  He used to hop into the house and Celia loved him (as we all did).
I think of Celia learning to drive and she used to drive our Dad’s green Ford Popular.
Over the years Celia and I used to regularly correspond, and she was a prolific letter writer.
In recent years we enjoyed each other’s company at the cousins days, kindly provided by our hosts.
Happy memories of a dear sister.